by Sherman H. Skolnick 6/4/03
by Sherman H. Skolnick 6/4/03
Some always fault us. We are not University graduates. So, how could we know much about finances. We are not diplomatic. Our descriptions sometimes are crude and cynical. To some, we are just uncouth.
We somehow do not fill up our stories with footnotes referring to other person's magazine or newspaper articles. Hence, some consider we could not possibly know what we are talking about.
Most folks do not know or understand what is PRIMARY INVESTIGATION. It is getting as close to the "Horse's Mouth" as possible. Some are not impressed that, over the last four decades and more, we have compiled millions of records, court files, audio and video tapes, secret notebooks, and secret records of officials we are not supposed to have. That we have secret reports of grand juries as to court corruption, and how did those get into our possession? That we conducted interviews with key persons who are reliable sources but we could not dare risk their lives divulging who they are.We use methods of investigation different than taught in journalism schools.
We were once waiting in the hallway outside some courtrooms of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, in Chicago, our hometown. Two lawyers came up to us, one tall, one short.
Tall lawyer Remember us? Like last time, come away from the doorway, so we would not stand out so.
Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts Over here is okay. Talk low, we'll hear you.
Short lawyer(trying to pull his law partner away from us) We should not be talking to them.
Tall lawyer We gotta talk about this. We lost a hundred and fifty thousand dollars last year because of "TheClub".
Citizen's Committee You mean, "The Bankruptcy Club". (He nodded yes).We know. There is one in most every major Federal Court District. What, did they try to hit you up for the usual? The three thousand per month?(Again, he nodded, yes.)
Tall lawyer Yah, but my partner said we gotta go on the cheap. So we did not pay. Well, if you pay that plus the "assessments", you get the run of the place. Everything is granted. No trouble. Motions are granted. The Trustee is told to get off our bac k. We could make an easy quarter mil, if we just paid the monthly plus the assessments Citizen's Committee Well, maybe you saw our tv show recently. We had on a prominent member of the Bankruptcy Bar. He admitted there is a Bankruptcy Club. But he said there is nothing sinister. They just meet after Court. For coffee, maybe lunch. Hey, y ou waiting for the Chief Judge?
Tall lawyer Yah, he's a crook. Without The Club, you come into this place like a dumb John. To screw or be screwed.
We once interviewedb a top official of the Criminal Division of the Chicago District Office of the Internal Revenue Service. We made a secret transcript and later put it into various public court records, where it was not challenged or disputed.
The IRS official confirmed they knew about Chief Judge John D. Schwartz. His fellow judges in the federal system in 1984 chose him for a 14 year term as Chief Judge. The IRS official confirmed that they knew that Schwartz had parked for him, offshore, f or himself and for other judges, over a hundred forty million dollars and that he did not pay or file any Federal Income taxes for the previous 30 years. Also confirmed, was the IRS knew that Schwartz had secretly been an official of the First National Bank of Cicero, in the mafia enclave adjacent to Chicago, known as Al Capone Land.
But the IRS official warned us about the records we had, that we could be punished for having such. The Cicero bank, the IRS official confirmed, is a money laundry jointly for state and federal officials and their bribery loot jointly with known hoodlum s.
In the 1990s, Hillary Rodham Clinton as First Lady, put us on her "Enemy's List", to hound and harass us in and out of the courthouse, because we got her lesbian business partner arrested for selling missile parts to known international terrorists. To t errorize us, Hillary had a top oficial of the Clinton Justice Department fly into Chicago to confront us in the hallway outside of a courtroom. In the presence of witnesses, he said he was going to get us arrested if we did not stop publicizing the matt er of the 140 million dollars and Chief Judge John D. Schwartz.
In 1996, we sued Hillary, and him, and Hillary 's "baglady", and two IRS officials, regarding the "Enemy's List" and related matters. [Sherman H. Skolnick, et al., plaintiffs vs. Hillary Rodham Clinton et al., defendants, Chicago U.S. District Court, No . 96 C 4373.] As we set forth elsewhere on our website, part of the court corruption is the arbitrary assignment of certain cases to a certain Judge to put in "the fix". The case was assigned to Chicago U.S. District Judge George M. Marovich, a banker t ied to crooked dealings.
As we had already detailed in our lawsuit, filed before it was assigned to Marovich, he owns near the First National Bank of Cicero, a shopping center, Cermak Plaza. It is shown on his annual mandatory federal financial disclosure form, signed by him su bject to the perjury laws if he lied. As our investigations showed, the shopping center has silent partners known gangsters jointly with corrupt top state and federal tax collectors. Through the shopping center, they launder mobster and other loot, such as for bribery, extortion, and by way of shakedown.
Judge Marovich did not remove himself from the case and did not disqualify himself. He ordered that we not ever to be allowed inside his courtroom. Our further court papers were to be sent in by mail. In the court record, we complained, to no avail, th at he was running a "Mail-Box Court", depriving us of orderly proceedings. He put our case out of court on an unprecedented ruling. That we had too many facts, dates, and details in our pleadings. Yet, the federal rules require specifics which we set fo rth.
We took an appeal to the Chicago Federal Appeals Court, where most of the Judges hate our guts, because we lambaste their misdeeds on our tv shows. The judges refused to hear our appeal and ordered we be barred from all the federal courts in Illinois, I ndiana, and Wisconsin. When we petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court for a remedy, that our Freedom of the Press rights had been cancelled, they refused to do anything about it.
[See our website series "Overthrow,etc.", homosexual underground as to Hillary and her business partner.]
As we found out over a series of years, the Bankruptcy Club in Chicago is just typical of what exists in Bankruptcy Courts in major cities of the U.S. it consists of a tight-knit group of usually about thirty Judges, Lawyers, Court Clerks, Bankruptcy Co urt assignees and auctioneers, Bankruptcy Trustees, and others. In Chicago, someone apparently "bugged" their monthly meetings and we had the details. They met at the home of a long-time attorney. We found out how they arrange the monthly membership fee s and assessments. And the specific banks used to funnel the bribery loot offshore. One bank used has been La Salle National Bank, a reputed longtime bribery center for payments to state and federal judges.
La Salle is an "untouchable" enterprise. They arbitrarily reserve the right to themselves to refuse to honor court subpoenas requiring them to produce witnesses or records. AND, the state and federal judges refuse to enforce such subpoenas to La Salle. The parent of La Salle has become ABN-AMRO, the Dutch bank octopus originally Algemene Bank Nederland. Upon the downfall of the Moscow government, the former Soviets bosses stole most of the Soviet gold treasury and parked it for custody with ABN. ABN-A MRO has used gold to buy up shaky banks in some 15 U.S. cities. La Salle has become the flagship for the U.S. units of ABN-AMRO.[Our website has stories about the gold.]
For months we publicized that the Bush Crime Family had large joint accounts with supposed "terrorist" living in a cave, Osama bin Laden, in ABN-AMRO. BUT that the U.S. Treasury repeatedly refused to freeze those accounts until just recently, not divulg ing the Bush links.
Through ABN-AMRO U.S., and La Salle, the bribery money for the Chicago Bankruptcy Club is funneled, for example, to the Grand Caymans. It is kept there in "escrow". The funds go forward to the accounts of the officials to be bribed after, not before, th ey make corrupt rulings favoring members of the Club.
[Visit our website series on IRS corruption. Shown is the picture of "California Rose", the ocean-going ship for money laundry dealings, owned by current and former top corrupt IRS officials of the Chicago District Office.] Certain litigants in the Bankruptcy Court scheduled me as a witness to detail how the Bankruptcy Club deprives them of Equal Justice. On the day I was to testify, I was waiting in my wheelchair, in the lobby of the Federal Courthouse near the elevators.
A tipster warned me to be careful. So, I sent an associate to go upstairs to the courtroom ahead of me. He came running out of the elevator, "Sherman, you gotta get the Hell out of the building. They got six deputy U.S. Marshalls waiting outside the co urtroom door to arrest you." I fled the place.
Part of my testimony was so hot very few of my associates knew what it was going to be. They did not know about it even in whispers. I was prepared to testify with specifics that Israeli intelligence, The Mossad, was part of an unholy deal. They have lo ng taken the position, that they and the State of Israel are not enforcers of Federal Criminal laws in the United States. And, that israeli officials, whether authorized or renegade, participating in so-called "business" deals in the U.S., are not oblig ated to determine the right or wrong of the situation as subject to American laws.
My testimony was to have set forth specifics of the split of the bribery, shakedown, and extortion loot skimmed off from the Chicago Bankruptcy Courts, and possibly the same in other major Federal Districts. Namely, the deal was that The Mossad, or at l east their agents, authorized or renegade, were to get 80 per cent of the proceeds available for them presumably to ship off to Tel Aviv. The remaining 20 per cent was for "handling fees" for "The Club".
A problem developed. There was a falling out of thieves. "The Club" kept 80 per cent FOR THEMSELVES and left only 20 per cent to presumably be bshipped off through The Mossad. This problem caused murder and mayhem to be committed on U.S. soil, to be det ailed in future parts of this series.
My testimony was to have included the interviews we conducted with a retired Federal law enforcement official, who confirmed to us details showing the U.S. Treasury Inspector General was actually the highest ranking mafia representative within the U.S. Government. Furthermore, we had interviewed staff members of a Congressional committee quietly investigating IRS corruption, confirming the same details as to the Inspector General.
Purely as a legal formality, not expecting any remedy from corrupt officials, we sent by registered mail, return receipt requested and received, to the U.S. Treasury Inspector General himself, details like the foregoing. We also conducted interviews with some lawyers we knew since they got out of law school and became members of the Bar. The interviews were five years after they first became attorneys.
Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts So how come you do not practice in Chicago's Bankruptcy Courts?
First lawyer Are you kidding? The Club starts you off for one thousand per month plus assessments.
Citizen's Committee; How high can the assessments go and what are they for?
Second lawyer The assessments are to grease the court clerks and their supervisors. So that certain records appear and disappear as The Club orders to be done. There is no actual limit on how high the assessments can go. If we paid everything, includin g what the older members of The Club pay, we are sure to make per year more than 8 times the ticket price.
Citizen's Committee So why don't yo guys pay for the ticket?
First lawyer I couldn't come up, in front, with the three thou per month.
Citizen's Committee Hey, I noticed you hooked up with an older attorney. I saw him recently in the Bankruptcy Court. How come?
First lawyer He's a long-time member. He pays. I am only a junior partner of his. I would have to pay for my own ticket.
[One of the lawyers narrowly escaped big trouble. He was too friendly with a top official of an insurance company. The official had embezzled more than 42 million dollars from his firm but was not prosecuted. How come? The embezzler "wired up" certain f ederal officials that we could finger. But the lawyer is now afraid to talk to most others.]
In future parts of this series Why nothing has been done as to murder and mayhem in the Bankruptcy Courts. How top corrupt IRS Chicago District Office officials stole 50 millions dollars for their own personal benefit and not for the public Treasury. A nd why are there so many Judges and Lawyers in the Bankruptcy Courts with Jewish last names and Christian first names. And does the situation of them plundering non-Jews foment terrible religious hatred.
More coming....Stay tuned.
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