Saturday, April 12, 2014

Coca-Cola, The CIA And The Courts - Part 14 Disclosures Of Corruption Of The US Supreme Court Part Fourteen of a Series

Coca-Cola, The CIA And
The Courts - Part 14 
Disclosures Of Corruption Of The US Supreme Court
Part Fourteen of a Series

by Sherman H. Skolnick 12/21/04
It was the year 2004. The U.S. Presidential Election was set for November 2. The bosses of the newly-minted Homeland Security were worried. Their primary purpose was to root out dissidents, soon as possble, that could disturb the agenda of the Anglo-American Aristocracy that owns and operates the occupant and resident of the White House, George W. Bush. who is a stooge and scapegoat for their program of ruling WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THOSE GOVERNED, a horrendous violation of the organic law, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Not for small reasons did critics call them the American Gestapo. After all, their title, Homeland Security, was the English-language equivalent of the Nazi-era secret political police. And the Federal Bureau of Investigation, sor t of aides to them, has an awful historical background. A dirty little secret is that NO CHARTER PROVIDES FOR THE EXISTENCE OF FBI. Nowadays, who dares mention such things?
By 2004, some savvy folks persisted in grumbling that in a five-to-four decision, in December, 2000, the Supreme Court of the United States installed George W. Bush as the occupant and resident of the White House. Some refuse to c all him "Mr. President". The duly elected President, NOT inaugurated, Albert Gore, Jr., never actually conceded defeat. Some people forgot that.
The ruling of the Five-Judge majority in Bush versus Gore was arbitrary. Even worse, some knew the five-judge Military-Style Junta had been corrupted. Judges on the High Court wear two hats. One, as a Justice of the Supr eme Court of the United States. Secondly and little known, each is also a Circuit Justice, supervising one or more U.S. Courts of Appeal, one step below the Supreme Court of the United States.
As Associate Justice, John Paul Stevens, as part of the Dissenting Four Judges, in Bush versus Gore, wrote the most blistering dissenting opinion probably in the history of the high tribunal.
[In 1969, I directly accused the Judges on the Illinois Supreme Court, that state's highest tribunal. of bribery. It became the biggest judicial bribery scandal in the nation's history up to that time. A Special Commission was pu t together to consider my accusations. Since I was self-educated in law but not a member of the Bar, they demanded, despite my outspoken objections at that time, that a lawyer be appointed to represent me and present my accusations, namely Jo hn Paul Stevens. The state high court was just about swept away by the judicial earthquake that occurred; the Chief Justice and an Associate Justice resigned and a third Justice, while under fire from me, simply croaked. Issued in the name of that third judge, dated and signed by him---now get this---supposedly a month after he was dead and buried was an important steel company decision. Ten days AFTER the effective resignation date of the two other judges was issued i! n their name, and dated, a supposedly valid decision upholding the state Income Tax as Constitutional. Corruption does not go away that easy. Before that, while yet on the bench, the judges jailed me, wheelchair and all, for the judge-made offense of "contempt of court" as the head of our court-reform group because I refused to divulge to the bribe-tainted judges the methods we use to finger judges and lawyers for bribery. Later, I was released and vindicated.
Stevens and I became famous. A few years later, he was appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States. More than thirty years later, a law professor wrote a book about the 1969 scandal. "Illinois Justice" by Ke nneth Manaster. Pictured with me on the cover of the book, Stevens, about the only Judge ever to have a public good word to say about me, a loudmouth Judge-buster, wrote the forward to the book. See the Home Page,

Via Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested, Registered Number
RA 528943745 US (for Suter); and
RA 528943754 US (for Johnson)
Number ED 112007088 US(for Suter); and 112007138 US (for Johnson).
To check: or 1-800-222-1811.


December 20, 2004
To: William K. Suter, individually and as purported Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States
One First Avenue, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20543
(202) 479-3014;

Gail Johnson, individually and as purported Deputy Clerk and/or purported employee of the Supreme Court of the United States.
Clerk's Office
One First Avenue, N.E.,
Washington, D.C. 20543
(202) 479-3038;
1. You and each of you are and have been, together with persons directly associated with you and with whom you are and have been directly acting in respect to Robert E. Kolody and the matters herein mentioned, in a position to kno w, as follows:
2. That the persons and entities actually involved with the purported "anthrax scare" or "anthrax terror" starting in the United States, on or about later in September, 2001, are known to the highest authorities within the F ederal Executive Department bureaucracy.
3. That because of conflicting interests within the Executive Department of the U.S. Government, that said true perpetrators are not publicly accused or identified, because, among other reasons, they are interwoven with the operations of certain U.S. intelligence operatives and agencies.
4. As a consequence of a purported "anthrax scare" purportedly targeting the Supreme Court of the United States, and its headquarters, you, and each of you, and persons directly associated with you and in combination with whom you are directly acting, and have been acting, allowing, permiting, condoning and acquiescing in.the following:
(a) That the Federal Bureau of Investigation, for which there is no Charter authorizing their existence, and later, the Federal agency known as Homeland Security; both; purporting to be of the Executive branch of the U.S. cen tral government ; tthat said purported agencies set up and/or began using, a warehouse, not within the headquarters building of the Supreme Court of the United States.
(b) That said remotely located purported warehouse is and has been, part of an unlawful plan or scheme, to obstruct, evade, and nullify, efforts of those who rightfully and lawfully seek to communicate with persons having offices withi n the headquarters building of the Supreme Court of the United States, whether via United States Postal Service, Federal Express, or other transportation means. For example, in respect to Kolody, that said obstructed communications related to corruption of certain Judges on the Supreme Court of the United States, in litigation commonly known as Bush versus Gore, and related corruption of Judges on the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, in litiga tion Robert E. Kolody versus Simon Marketing and Coca-Cola Company.
5. On October 14, 2004, the undersigned, Robert E.Kolody, sent a package properly and lawfully addressed to John Paul Stevens, not in his capacity as Associate Justice of the United States, but to Stevens in his capacity as Seventh Cir cuit Justice, supervising, among others, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, headquartered in Chicago, Illinois.
6. Said package was sent by Kolody via Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested, Registered Mail Number RA 785544000 US
7. On 10/22/2004, a package arrived at Kolody's home address from Clerk's Office, Supreme Court of the United States. On it was a printed, office-supply-store-type label, "RECEIVED IN DAMAGED CONDITION". Said package had a postage meter purportedly indicating it was sent on 10/19/2004. The package contained just two of Kolody's Applications for Certificate of Necessity and just two copies of supporting Exhibits, which Kolody had properly and lawfully addressed to Seventh Circuit Justice John Paul Stevens, in his capacity supervising the Seventh Circuit. No letter of explanation was contained in said package received by Kolody.
8. On 10/25/2004, on the phone, Kolody spoke to John Kouros, the person identifying himself as the "Manager" or similar title, of the purported remotely located "warehouse". Said person led Kolody to know, b elieve, and understand, that said person was aware of the package from Kolody; that said package did not arrive damaged; that said package was forwarded to certain other persons and entities.
9. On 10/25/2004, by phone, Kolody spoke to Gail Johnson in the headquarters building. Kolody in substance, complained that part of the contents of his package, arrived back to him with the cryptic printed label as mentioned, with only part of the contents of the package he sent.
10. On 10/27/2004, there arrived at Kolody's home address, a package containing the additional nine copies, being the balance of the contents of the original package that Kolody had rightfully and lawfully addressed to Sevent h Circuit Justice John Paul Stevens. This package contained a purported letter, dated 5/7/2004, from William K. Suter and Gail Johnson. Said letter, in substance, made the false and perjurious statement that Kolody had sent his package to the wrong place. On November 1, 2004, Kolody received a letter, marked "COPY", dated 10/18/2004, the same words as in the letter falsely dated "5/7/2004".
11. Said package originally sent by Kolody contained copies directed to Seventh Circuit Justice John Paul Stevens, in his supervisory capacity as mentioned. Kolody made Application, supported by some four hundred pages of document ation, to Stevens for a Certificate of Necessity.
12. Kolody asked Seventh Circuit Justice John Paul Stevens to arrange to have designated a panel of Judges, not from the Seventh Circuit, to especially sit in Chicago, to hear and determine Kolody's Motion to Purge The Judgments, Rulings, and Decrees in Kolody's Seventh Circuit litigation, said rulings having been obtained by frauds upon the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, and obstructions of justice, perpetrated by the Judges themselves of said Court upo n their own Court.
13. Kolody pointed out that the fraud upon the court also was related to the fraud upon the Supreme Court of the United States, in the litigation commonly known as Bush versus Gore, perpetrated by some of the five judges that issued a purported majority ruling installing George W. Bush corruptly and arbitrarily as the occupant and resident of the Oval Office.
14. Kolody pointed out that the fraud upon the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit was done by all the judges on that court in active service, sitting in what is known as en banc, that is, all sitting at one time. pe rpetrating a fraud upon their own Court and obstructions of justice upon their own Court, as shown in the some four hundred pages of supporting documentation sent to Stevens with the Application for Certificate of Necessity.
15. Kolody pointed out that his documentation in support of this included that the Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, unlawfully delegated to himself, the Judicial authority to make Judicial rulin gs on said Motion to Purge, disregarding the case law precedents mentioned in said Motion. Such as Root Refining Co. versus Universal Oil Products, Co., 169 F.2d 514 ( 3rd Circuit, 1948); namely that a U.S. Court of Appeals has original jurisdictio n to inquire at any time, without regard to statutes of limitations, as to whether its Judgments, Rulings, and Decrees are tainted, and subject to being purged, having been obtained by a malign if not corrupt influence on such U.S. Court of Appeals . In the Root case, since the corruption involved Judges on the United States Court of Appeals, judges from outside that Circuit, were especially designated to sit and determine the extra-ordinary matter, within that Circuit, to i! nquire into said matter. Such special out-of-Circuit panel, the Root case states, has to call before it all the persons involved by way of unearthing the fraud upon the United States Court of Appeals, and thereafter, to purge the records favoring certain male factors and corrupters in said litigation.
16. Kolody's said documentation shows that. prior to his Application for Certificate of Necessity to Stevens, that Kolody's Motion to Purge was sent to an apparent secret court, that purports to consider apparent misdeeds, co rruption, and bribery of Federal Judges. That said secret court has no public record location where it sits, no public records, no public available title of the proceeding, no public record of the cause number or other reference, and no public issued de termination as to what, if anything, is done about the documentation of corrupt acts and doings of certain Federal Judges.
On the other hand, the Root case, cited by Kolody in his Motion to Purge, requires public hearings, public record identification of the corrupt federal appeals Judges implicated, public record identification of the lawyers and public o fficials implicated, and public record announcement of the remedy of the corruption as determined by the out-of-Circuit special panel of Judges.
17. That on 11/22/2004, Kolody properly and lawfully addressed and sent to Seventh Circuit Justice John Paul Stevens, a further package, again making Application for Certificate of Necessity; via Registered Mail, Return Recei pt Requested, Registered Mail Number RB 361395565 US, that Stevens, in his capacity as supervising Justice of the Seventh Circuit, arrange to have out-of-Seventh Circuit panel of Judges to hear and determine the matter of Kolody's Motion to P urge, and as it relates to the corruption of some of the five Supreme Court of the United States Justices in the litigation known as Bush versus Gore.
18. In a letter to Kolody, dated November 30, 2004, William K. Suter and Gail Johnson, made, in substance, the selfsame false and perjurious statement identical to the previous one in letter marked "COPY" and dated 10/18/2004, &nb sp;that Kolody's Application For Certificate of Necessity to have been received by Seventh Circuit Justice in his capacity as supervising the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, was sent to the wrong place.
19. A very small piece of what this is all about, without referring at all to Kolody, is contained in the October, 2004 issue of Vanity Fair Magazine.
20. Plainly, the headquarters building of the Supreme Court of the United States, is obviously that of the Judicial branch of the U.S. central government, according to Article Three of the U.S. Constitution. Purported units o f the Executive branch of the central government of the United States, namely the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Homeland Security, have by unlawful acts and doings, built a virtual wall around the headquarters building housing the Suprem e Court of the United States, by "anthrax terror" tricks supposedly justifying blockading, obstructing, and nullifying any attempts to have properly delivered papers supported by extensive documentation as to the corrupt acts and doings o f federal appeals judges, one step below the high court, and to corrupt acts and doings of some of the five judges in the high court in their unlawful, corrupt, and arbitrary installation of George W. Bush as the occupant and resident of the White House, in 2000.
21. As a matter of record, John Paul Stevens, in the litigation known as Bush versus Gore, issued a blistering dissent condemning what the five Judge majority had done. Some of those investigating how some of the law clerks, of t he four Dissenting high court justices, went public with the corrupt doings of the five judge majority; that found out was that the team leader for the five of the Majority, was Justice Antonin Scalia who was "Hell bent" to stop Go re from properly winning the Electoral College vote revolving around Florida in 2000. And, further, that Scalia attempted to blockade Stevens from having time to prepare and present his Dissenting opinion in Bush versus Gore. And that some of the five M ajority judges sent private notes to some of the Dissenting four judges, notes which seem to constitute federal criminal offenses for threats against such Dissenting Judges for not remaining silent and not joining with the five Ma! jority to unlawfully and corruptly install Bush as the occupant and resident of the White House.
22. Under the U.S. Constitution's provisions for "Separation of Powers", the purported units of the Executive branch of the U.S. central Government, namely FBI and Homeland Security, have no lawful authority to be controlling what someone, like Kolody, properly and lawfully sends, regarding high judicial corruption, to a supervising Circuit Justice, such as Stevens, or to hound and torment Stevens and his law clerks, and other Dissenting Justices and their law clerks, as these t wo purported Executive branch agencies have done, regarding the five judge Majority's corrupt acts and doings in Bush versus Gore related to Coca-Cola's corruption of said Judges.
23. William K. Suter,individually and as purported Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States, and Gail Johnson individually and as purported Deputy Clerk and/or Employee of said Court, have by their acts and doings, aided a nd abetted the unlawful acts and doings of the FBI and Homeland Security. That Robert E. Kolody has, as a consequence, been damaged in his copyright and contract rights, and in his Constitutionally guaranteed and protected rights to Due and orderly Processes of Law and the Equal Protection of the Laws.
24. That Kolody's opponent, Coca-Cola Company, is implicated in the corruption of the Judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit as well as the related corruption of some of the five Majority Judges of the Sup reme Court of the United States, in Bush versus Gore.
25. Kolody because of the foregoing corruption and wrongdoing, has been damaged to a total well over a Billion Dollars and so herein and hereby claims.
26. THAT ROBERT E. KOLODY HEREBY INFORMS WILLIAM K. SUTER and GAIL JOHNSON that ROBERT E. KOLODY in due course intends in a court of competent jurisdiction to bring a damage suit against the m, individually and in their capacity as supposed public officials, as named defendants having joined in combination with others to greatly damage Kolody.
_____/s/ Robert E. Kolody_________________
Robert E. Kolody, complainant in this Notice of Claims Prior to Suit
223 Saint Andrews Drive
Schererville, Indiana 46375
(219) 865-9880. 

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